DRAKONTOSCHISMA. Drakontoschisma is between Stafylos and Amarantos. Turning right off the main road from Skopelos to Glossa, just after Stafylos, the visitor will have the chance to marvel at the impressive rock that looks as if it has been cut by a person, and the beautiful blue-green waters. Unfortunately (or fortunately), access to the rocky beach is possible only from the sea, so those who do not have a boat will have to be content with merely admiring the landscape from up high.
The area took its name from a local legend of Skopelos.
According to this, 800 years ago a dragon appeared on Skopelos, who would kill and eat all its residents. No-one could remain on the island and the neighbouring islands would send those condemned to death for the monster to eat.
This lasted for about 400 years.
When Agios Riginos learned about this, he decided to exterminate it.
Pretending to be a sailor, he got on one of the ships taking convicts to the island. When he disembarked, he asked: Where for the Mercy (Eleos) of God is the monster ?, so that place took the name Elios. Moving on, the saint met the terrible dragon.
When he saw Agios Riginos, the dragon was afraid and ran away. The Saint chased the dragon all the way to this place between Stafylos and Amarantos. Then the dragon jumped into the sea, as he had no escape route. The rock he jumped off was torn (schisma), and the place was called Drakontoschisma (Dragon Schism).
At this point you can light a candle in the iconostasis and wish health and love.
Pay attention to the point where you will be staring from above, especially if you have small children with you.
Be aware that you cannot approach the sea level from the point.